Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blowing up offseason!!!

Finally getting back into swing of things full force. Lifting heavy again feels real good. Its been real nice this weekend and hopefully this week leading into Labor Day weekend. I did heavy Back Yesterday, and went as follows:

Bent Over Rows - 4 sets
135 - 12 reps
225 - 12 reps
275 - 10 reps
315 - 8 reps

Hammer Strenght One Arm Rows
2 plates per side - 12 reps
3 plates - 10 reps
4 plates 10 reps

Close Grip cable pull downs
150 - 12 reps
200 - 12 reps
225 - 10 reps

Life Fitness Row Machine

150 - 12 reps
185 - 10 reps
250 - 8 reps

Straight arm cable pull downs
100 - 12 reps
110 - 12 reps
120 - 12 reps

Then did some calves, 4 sets, seated calf raises 2 plates 15 reps each set.

This weekend I hung out with friends out east in the Hamptons, like I said the weather has been to nice to not be outside.

Im still trying to get to the Olympia, I should be there just workign out some last minute appearances..email me, AdamReich85@gmail.com to schedule one..

I will be around The MuscleTech and Muscular Development booth at the expo all weekend.

Current weight is 215 lbs.

New video taken few days ago just keeping all Team Abomb fans up to date, with lots more to come..Appreciate all your support. Truly
Means alot.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Winding down the summer.....

Summer is coming to an end, training is slowly getting back into full force. Currently have put on about 45 lbs since Jr Nationals this past June. Spending time with friends and enjoying last few weeks left of summer. Summer is slow season for my business as well, so come the later fall and into the winter is when I start to pick up. Strength is thru the roof as my weight has increased. Im looking foward to a real successful offseason this year and to really make some quality gains.
AdamReich.com is going to be revamped probably finished by the Olympia later in September, so look foward to an all new fresh look of AdamReich.com and more updates coming to the members section, TeamAbomb.com
Here are some most recent photos as I finish relaxing this summer...Some training footage coming to the members section this week and more videos as well.

Contact me at AdamReich85@gmail.com for any personal training in the NY area, or online training or to purchase any live webcam show footage.

Hope everyone is enjoying your summer, and hope to see everyone at the Olympia in Vegas.

In the NY area, Check out my Tanning Salon, MIAMI TANS in Syosset NY.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Now offering live and online personal training!

Now offering live personal training in the Long island area for exclusive clients and online training as well.

Contact me at AdamReich85@gmail.com for rates and further information regarding Nutrition , Supplementation, and Training!


Just got back from Miami, coming off of a second place finish at the Atlantic States and a 5th place finish at the Jr Nationals i had taken a much needed rest off from the gym. Now being August im slowly getting my act together and back into the gym..Just updated the TeamAbomb website with 3 all new videos and Frank the tank, so if you are not already a member please go ahead and check that out now by joining teamabomb.com

Right now like i said im relaxign enjoying life with my girl, we went to myrtle beach and south beach and im now weighing at 205lbs. plan to stay around this weight just clean things up..back on offseason program with big Dave P. and ready for a very successful offseason yet to come.

Keep checking back, this new part to AdamReich.com will be updated every week, along with TeamAbomb.com with new videos and photos from all various photo shoots, and new training videos will be taken part of offseason abomb!