Sunday, December 7, 2008

Our LARGEST update yet now up at TEAMABOMB.COM

Whats up guys!! Hope your thanksgiving went as well as mine with all the eating and napping!!!
Took this past week off from training , letting some muscles heal and just taking some care of things at the Salon. We just got in a new High Pressure tanning bed, so had a lot of construction going on, trying to fit this new 9 foot long and 6 ft wide bed in a room! Weight is still around 215. as most of you know I have said I will be starting my prep for Nationals after the Holidays come January so I have been getting ready for that and am very excited. Will be posting lots of progress pics and videos to come with progress. Also big props to my boy Guy Cisternino taking 1st and his pro card at this past Nationals!!!! Very proud of you my man!!
We just launched a HUGE gallery update up at with all my images shot for Manifest Muslce. These photos were taken 6 weeks out from my Spring shows this past June. I was in very good shape and these photos are H O T and one of the best shoots I have ever done. Location was HOT San Diego California!!!
Also, all my members dont forget to catch me tomorrow evening live on cam at 10pm EST.
Ill blog next week. will be busy come Holidays but will have updates as well so no worries!
Mark your calanders, My Bday is the 17th!!!! then week later is Christmas!!!!
Be safe . Let it Snow. Train Hard.
God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Great pic! Bulging biceps, rock hard pecs and abs. Incredible muscles and size. Way to go Adam!

Adam Reich said...

Thank you Mac. Much Appreciate your support my man!